Hemp Fashion Trends In 2020
The recent legalization of industrial hemp cultivation with the 2018 farm bill in the US has had a major impact across numerous products. Today, there is a growing desire for all things CBD infused, and people can’t get enough of hemp products.
We are already well into 2020, and so far, there are a couple of emerging trends that may even carry over into 2021 and beyond. It is important to be aware of these trends both as a consumer as well as a business owner because hemp can be beneficial to you either way.

Increased Hemp Farming to Fuel Demand
The number of hemp farms, farmers, and people who cultivate hemp that either produces strong fibers or more CBD, will increase through 2020 and beyond. Hemp offers multiple advantages for both consumers and farmers alike. After all, the benefits of farming hemp are ongoing because after it leaves the soil, farmers can get right back to work growing more, so more harvests mean more money. Furthermore, there is a great deal of research to show that hemp plans are natural soil cleaners via a process called phytoremediation.
Hemp Will Replace Cotton
In the fashion industry, we will see hemp products replacing cotton in numerous types of apparel. In 2020, there have been fewer cotton products produced than there were in over a decade. While we won’t be saying “goodbye” to cotton pants, shirts, and other apparel completely, they will be competing against more durable, comfortable, and increasingly cheaper hemp counterparts.
Prices of Hemp Apparel Will Decline Slowly through 2020
As things stand, it is fairly easy to foresee the prices of hemp clothing drop consistently through 2020 and beyond. One reason for this being the increased production of hemp related products, which at one point may outpace demand. Furthermore, since hemp clothing lasts longer, we’ll see fewer people buying more than they need. Some experts predict that the prices will start to drop somewhere in December 2020.

Brands Have Started Taking An Interest In Hemp
When you have big name brands like Levis, Gap, and Gucci, planning hemp only clothing lines, you know things will get heated. Through 2020, many major brands plan to launch their hemp products. Many of these products have already been seen last year at the New York fashion week. However, owing to the lockdowns in 2020, there have been no fashion shows, yet big name brands are hard at work, so we can expect many of these brands to launch their products soon.
By accepting the many benefits that the hemp plant has to offer, we are moving in the right direction. While the benefits have been known for decades, the fact that hemp is now legalized is a major milestone in the production of hemp-related products. 2020, is geared up to be a big year for hemp-related products. Fashion and apparel aren’t the only industries that will benefit from hemp. The pharmaceutical industry and the wellness industry are both riding the hemp crest, so to speak.