I’ve been PMS-ing this week, suffered extreme backache plus a mother of all migraines and you will get a moody bi-atchy me. I hate taking so many painkillers because I feel that they make my head cloudy and I can’t articulate my thoughts properly. Luckily, I prepared this post earlier…
Some time last year, I received a lovely care package from Crop Natural Skincare. In amongst the goodies were these trio of oils :-
- Pure Rosehip Oil
- Pure Macadamia Oil
- Pure Argan Oil
I’ve finally decided whether I like them or not so here are my thoughts…
Crop Pure Rosehip Oil : I have dry/sensitive skin so you would totally assume that my skin would drink this up right? WRONG. My skin didn’t take to it at all. But then again, it was going through a crazy irritated rashy phase when I trialled it. However, it was great for cuticles and helped strengthen my nails too.
Crop Pure Macadamia Oil : I used this as a cleansing oil to remove stubborn lipstick and it worked like a dream.
Crop Pure Argan Oil : This is a multi-purpose oil with “all around care” but seeing as I was already treating my hands and face with the other 2 oils, I used this on my hair tips to see if it would help bring life back to my frazzled ends. Sadly, no, it didn’t repair those darned split ends but it gave my hair a shiny but not oily boost.
Now the best thing about these oils is that they only cost $18 each and they are available at Coles supermarkets { sorry non-Aussie ladies } so pop them into your trolley the next time you’re there and report back on whether you liked them or not. You can get them on Amazon as well.
Thanks for reading and I shall hopefully have another blog post up soon once I chase away this damn headache/backache which won’t stop plaguing me! xxx